I've found the perfect excuse is 'Due to Covid' - wether its because I've turned in to a ten ton Tessie, spend all my budget on amazon, watched to much Netflix or simply can't stand my family - Quick call the RSPCA.
Either way we have all had changes, its a mammoth thing that will included in History exams and filmed about in to the light ages. And to get through it Lodge Farm Holiday Barns was lucky enough to rent to workers in the area and then some family in-between houses. Now as we can rent to holiday makers again we have to up our game - triple sanitise, bleach and scrub until out hands are raw and out face masks have stuck to the sweat on our chins.
Greet people from a distance - let them struggle with their own bags and shove them in an all ready open door to enjoy their space at a safe distance from me. With all the windows open and a kitchen that smells of anti bacterial wipes. If you want a cuddle call 101 - its not allowed.
But as we go in to May we can finally sit our lockdown thunder thighs on roper seats and eat at proper tables in the warmth and comfort of a proper restaurant and not a pub carpark on a bench with a force one gail. But I'm sure that won't be the last of it - its like the Magic Porridge pot it just keeps on coming and coming, with no time to add maple syrup and cinnamon to make it more palatable.
Any way Due to Covid - I'm signing off and having a break, left with self lathing that I should make some effort and do some jobs - I'm well adapt at ignoring myself.