Money Money Money - - it's a constant battle with renovation and a new business to get enough to get finished. Juggling, begging, borrowing and hopefully not too much stealing!!! BUT we are so close to getting Lake View completed, the plastering is all done and next we we go in to decorate all the walls and ceilings, the kitchens on order a fab Omega with Bosch appliances and all the contemporary bathroom stuff is ready to go in. I have even got a stack of Oak furniture at the ready steady plus I am buying odds and sods for the finishing touches.
Every few days we are having to turn away bookings because we are not quite there - - - it's good to know there is a demand but obviously we just want to be up and running.
Not long Now - - and holiday makers can enjoy all Lodge Farm has to offer, which reminds me the playground went up this week and I have just finished barking it all. The Ducks finally found a nesting spot the Crows can't reach and the Swans still have the beautiful grey cygnet I have called Derek!!!. Red mite keeps appearing in the chicken coop but luckily Mr Fox has stayed away.