Phone 01603 742-247
  • New Road, Bawburgh, Norwich, Norfolk, NR9 3LZ


Directions to Lodge Farm Holiday Barns

The best and easiest way - - follow the google coordinates = 52.6344° N, 1.2016° E
Or use What 3 Words - ///dissolves.showering.gladiator
 A sat nav will get you to our road but not our address, it will take you opposite the village side of the A47 underpass (or if your unlucky it will pick up the underpass from on top of the A47 and say your there!!) – go through the underpass under the A47 towards Chapel Break and carry on along New Road. Look for the lime green sign on the right immediately after The Old Lodge B&B, that says Lodge Farm Holiday Barns - we are down that gravel track past Lodge Farm Business Centre - through the wooden gate into Lodge Farm by Bawburgh Lakes - all barns have signed car bays. Once parked follow the Reception sign, through gate down path to our front door.
  • Off A47 coming from the West (Kings Lynn direction) via the Norfolk showground junction, up slip road, take 3 exit from 1st roundabout, back over A47, 1st exit off next roundabout past the park and ride on left, round sharp right bend, turn left into the village down the hill, past the Kings Head on the left and turn left into New Road, before the Medieval river bridge. Then follow directions above.
  • Off A47 coming from the East (Great Yarmouth/A11 direction) via the Watton junction – At top of slip road turn left towards Watton. First right sign posted Bawburgh, down the hill past the village hall, over the bridge and turn right into New Road immediately after crossing the bridge.      Then follow directions above.
  • From Norwich City via – Dereham Road , take the first left into Wendene Verge into the right lane taking the first turning on the right into Chapel Break Road – follow the road down and round, over the first roundabout – look out for the blue Bawburgh sign on the right into New Road. The first turning on the left is our drive, look for lime green sign Lodge Farm Holiday Barns – go down we are the house at the bottom.
  • From Norwich City via – Earlham Road, come from the city past the UEA take the 1st right turning (at traffic lights) into Tolgate Way, with the Bupa / Inspire Private Hospital on the corner – go along that road through Three Score. Go over two mini roundabouts look out for a country road turning on the left as the road rises look for a blue Bawburgh sign, take that turning into New Road - Folllow New Road as above for Dereham Road.

If coming for a cookery course please park in the visitors parking spaces, or if dropping off at the weekend for a party please park in the business centre next door if full in here. Please avoid holiday barn parking bays.